Every day, highways around the world get drivers and passengers to their destinations at high speeds. As a small part of the overall road system, they carry huge numbers of vehicles – and those numbers are always increasing. However, the amount of vehicles on the road is increasing faster than the safety and supervision of those highways.
Jordan Camera Highway Solution covers all the integrated components of a highway system, keeping traffic flowing and helping people travel safely every day.
Highways are often congested during holidays, and violations such as speeding, crossing the gore area, emergency lane occupancy, illegal phone use, and seatbelt violations occur frequently. Limited means of monitoring on major sections of highways, fragmented data managed by separate departments, and unintelligent software all contribute to greater safety risks. Meanwhile, law enforcement disputes are cause by manual intervention.
Associates vehicle license plate with toll collection system to improve traffic flow and payment process.
Quickly locks on suspicious vehicles through real-time comparison, controls such vehicles at checkpoints.
Recognizes license plate, color, type, & brand of vehicles.
Detects structured data for live comparison and history search.
Supports third-party software integration to work with local toll collection systems.